Public Sector Translations
Translation Services for the Public Sector
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In our increasingly multi-cultural society, the ability to translate public sector documents accurately is crucial. It’s estimated that the British government alone spends more than £100 million every year on translation services to ensure that all its citizens have access to the information that they need.
We work with many central and regional government departments, translating a wealth of public information documents. In the UK public sector, for instance, demand for south Asian, eastern European and African translation services is particularly high and we have specialist translators in all these areas, as well as European and Far Eastern languages.
Working for more than 30 years within framework agreements, we supply written documentation that allows government departments and non-departmental government bodies to operate in the nation’s interest. We translate:
Educational reports
Adoption and child protection policies – including correspondence, applications and on-line resources
Department for Education
Student Loans Company
Intercountry Adoption Agency
Public Sector Case Study
Case Studies
We were asked at very short notice to work with a number of central government departments to provide translation for numerous letters, leaflets and web text in several languages.
We perform several quality assurance checks to verify spelling, punctuation, grammar, completeness, accuracy and formattingAPT Translation Services
APT delivers accurate language translation services across multiple time zones to international and national clientsAPT Translation Services
To accelerate the translation process we use glossaries to manage the terminologies and specialised content across languages and translation memory toolsAPT Translation Services
We use APT Trans, a ‘translation memory’ productivity tool that stores previously translated terms. This speeds up the translation process, reducing your costs and ensuring consistency APT Translation Services
Our highly skilled specialised translation team are supported by dedicated project managers enabling us to deliver high quality translationsAPT Translation Services
Our qualified team of specialist linguists translates highly subject specific materials in over 150 languagesAPT Translation Services
We have industry specific translators with a thorough understanding of the language and terminology of your sectorAPT Translation Services
Our multilingual desktop publishing artworkers ensure that your finished translated document is presented in a format as good as the originalAPT Translation Services
We employ the most experienced and appropriate translators who combine proven linguistic ability with technical expertiseAPT Translation Services